Litigation/Allocation Support & Liability Management

Litigation/Allocation Support & Liability Management

In the current regulatory environment, companies of all sizes are faced with the challenge of having to litigate environmental matters involving lawsuits with state and federal agencies, insurance policy coverage, or issues related to third-party contributions. Successful litigation includes two critical factors: the development of strong, defensible technical positions, and the ability to communicate critical technical information to lay audiences. Windward scientists and engineers have experience in supporting clients in all facets of environmental litigation, including serving as testifying experts and consulting experts. As testifying experts, we have written expert reports as well as testified. As litigation consultants, we have worked closely with clients to develop overall case strategies and identify appropriate testifying experts. In both types of support, Windward’s strength resides in the combined experience of our staff and our range of expertise. Windward regularly assists clients in managing a variety of environmental liability issues. The focus of our approach is to provide clients with comprehensive, cost-effective solutions—solutions that place the client in a strong negotiating position with regulatory agencies, insurance companies, and third parties. Understanding how liabilities, such as contamination or land development, affect local and regional natural resources and are perceived by the local community and stakeholders is key to developing liability management strategies.

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